Sunday, August 22, 2010

Influenced by Love

It is my mom's birthday today! August 22nd, 2010 marks the first year that we have photographed her birthday! I want to start doing this to show her how beautiful she is and how much love she has around her. She already knows this but I want her to remember all of the good times that we have as a family, celebrating her life. 

I don't want to brag or anything but I truly do have the BEST mother in the whole world. If you are ever looking for inspiration, motivation, love, mother, Mary Boal, is that person! I don't think that Blogger would let me write as much as I could about my mother, and I don't think that I have the days that it would take to describe her as a whole. For now, I will do my best to paint the picture of my mom, Mary.

I remember when I was a kid, I loved my mom so much (and I still do!). Family members would take me to the beach or up north to Seattle for the weekend, and about half way into the first day, I was always in tears, crying for my mom to come pick me up. And you know what, she always did! Now a days, we live about an hour apart from each other and don't see each other as much. Whenever my mom comes to my house, I always cry when she leaves. I know, I know, call me a baby, but when you have a mother as great as mine...

She use to write me little love notes every morning and I kept all of them. I love going back and reading all the little "I love you" notes. Once, I taped and tacked ALL of the letters she ever wrote to me on my wall. It covered the whole, entire wall!

One time, the night before my birthday, I had fallen asleep on the couch. When I woke up the next morning, the WHOLE house was decorated in Little Mermaid decor (yes, I was a Little Mermaid fanatic was I was a kid)! It was like Christmas to me! I don't remember if I ever thanked her for it, but I will never forget that birthday, ever.

Every summer, my mom would spend a good hour or two braiding all of my hair into those cool little braids. I use to love having this done!! And I mean, it was every, single summer. She would go grocery shopping and I would go with her. Right next to the store we went to was a Sally's Beauty Supply store and she always bought those tiny, little hair ties. Then we would go home and spend the day doing my hair.

As I got older, got a job and went to high school, my mom taught me valuable lessons about life that I practice now. Like, love your family. Truly love them and tell them. Tell them every day, tell them every hour, tell them you love them right when you think about it. Because you never know when they will be gone. Never quit without giving two weeks notice, no matter how bad you hate your job. Pay your rent first, you need a roof over your head before you need anything else (well, I think food would be a close first...but I get what she is saying). Always change your oil when you need to, you don't want to pay more for a car repair. Hang mirrors all over a wall, it makes a room look bigger. People are in your life for a season, reason or a lifetime....the list goes on and on. 

And during our families hardest times, when we had no money to play, when we lived in a small apartment and lost everything, she made our lives better than anyone else we knew. We use to have "Ozzy Osbourne" nights where we would watch the Osbourne show and she would get us pizza. I know now that she didn't have the money for that pizza, but she wanted our life to be normal and fun. And she did...she made it normal and fun and in the process, created ever lasting memories.

As I get older, I reflect on all of these good memories and life lessons and thank God that I am blessed enough, even after being the naughty little girl I was and a difficult teen, to have her as my mom. She is the best person in the world and I would give anything to see her smile and be happy. She is the hardest working woman I know and if you met her, you would tell right away that that is who she is.

Please take a moment to meet my best friend and mom, Mary...

And as always, a picture of your photographer (and todays party group, minus Adam)!

With love, 

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